Black Girl Workouts

8 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Resistance Bands (spec)

By: Tamara Ede

Hey, sis! We see you — doing your thing — trying to get strong and fit. We’re proud of you, but we just have to ask…

Why are you not using resistance bands???

Yeah, we called you out because the importance of resistance bands isn’t stressed enough. But first, let’s go through a breakdown of what they are and exactly why you should be using them.

What Are Resistance Bands?

A resistance band is an elastic band used for strength training, rehabilitation, and/or stretching. 

Like dumbbells, barbells, and plates, resistance bands give an external resistance that your muscles have to work against. This causes the body to engage different muscles while you try to keep the band from snapping back. Your muscles are working against the strength of the band, giving your workout more intensity. 

Benefits of Using Resistance Bands

1. Great alternative or addition to gym equipment.

During a time of a worldwide pandemic, needing a quick workout, or too tired to drive to the gym, resistance bands can be used in place of free weights. There are plenty of at-home exercises to do with resistance bands, and you are still strengthening those muscles.

We know, it sounds too good to be true, but it is true!

“I’m too strong for bands, they won’t do anything for me.”

Not true! Resistance bands can also be added to exercises when using free weights like dumbbells and barbells. 

Added resistance = increased strengthening. 

Tip: Putting a resistance band around your mid-thigh while doing squats will not only give your leg muscles work, but also causes you to engage your core to keep balance while squatting. This can be done with the band alone, or with added free weights if you’re feeling like Superwoman.

2. Increases strength while building muscle.

We know, resistance bands can look a little intimidating, but with the correct exercises, you can be on your way to building muscle.

As mentioned earlier, with resistance comes strength. The best way to build your muscles while using resistance bands is progressive overload.

Progressive overload is increasing the weight, reps — medium and hard resistance bands in this case — with each set.

Remember, you should always train to failure. If you are having a walk in the park while trying to build muscle, it is time to up the intensity.

3. Great for people of all ages.

People of all ages can use resistance bands. They can be used in various positions, including standing, sitting, or laying down (on a yoga mat of course, not in the bed..unless that’s your thing).

Our resistance bands come with medium or hard density, either way, you’re getting your strength training in.

4. Perfect for rehabilitation

Resistance bands can be used for rehabilitation from an injury or surgery. Most physical therapists include resistance training in their patients’ recovery process. Some of the world’s top athletes use resistance bands during rehab, why not you?

Strength training is proven to increase muscle and bone strength, prevent future injuries, as well as help degenerative problems.

5. Engages stabilizing muscles.

Stabilizing muscles are the muscles responsible for helping you hold yourself up, prevent falls, and also improve posture. 

We hear it all the time “I can’t hold myself up”, “I don’t have upper body strength”.

Well, resistance bands focus on strengthening these muscles so you can do that and more. If your stabilizing muscles ever get too weak, it can be almost unbearable to do basic daily activities.

6. Great for compound exercises.

A compound exercise engages more than one muscle at a time. 

Now, we all know the pain of getting off a machine to pick up dumbbells and somebody snags it right before you even get a chance to finish. We know, it hurts.

Resistance bands allow you to work with each muscle group at the same time, giving you a bigger burn for your buck.

7. Inexpensive

Speaking of burn for your buck, resistance bands are probably the most inexpensive strengthening equipment you can get!

Buying free weights can get pricey, but our BGW Resistance Band Set is only $40! If that’s still too much, our single band is $20. 

Imagine paying $40 at the most for the toned body of your dreams. That’s a deal worth grabbing.

8. Great for stretching and mobility

Stretching and mobility exercises are very important for every individual. Even on rest days, this should be a part of your daily routine. 

Resistance bands aren’t just for strengthening. Have you ever used a dumbbell to stretch?

Yeah, we didn’t think so either. That’s what makes resistance bands a necessity! 

Tip: Laying on the floor with your back flat, putting a resistance band under your foot, and pulling your leg towards your chest while keeping the leg straight will give your hamstrings a very good stretch and get rid of any tightness.

Why wait?

There is no better time to add resistance bands to your lifestyle. For people of all demographics, resistance bands can aid in helping your body feel better and stronger.

Our washable resistance bands are 13” and come in pink (medium density) and black (heavy density). Our unique, anti-slip rubber interior is secure and makes working out or stretching safe and easy. 

You don’t have to worry about these bands ever snapping. Our durable bands last longer, and did we mention they are vegan/cruelty-free? 

At this point, there is no reason for you to wait. Get your resistance bands today and be on your way to a healthier, stronger body.


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